Authors comply with the guidelines for article submission. Authors ensure that their submissions are completely original.  Submission of work that is fully or partly submitted/published elsewhere is prohibited. Authors have an obligation to provide references indicating all of the sources used in the article. The manuscript authorship is limited only to those authors who have provided a significant contribution to the creation of the article.

Principles and requirements

  • Authors must confirm that their submission is their original work, has not previously been published and is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere. Submitting the same manuscript to produce more than one publication constitutes unethical publishing behaviour and is unacceptable. However, if the author and editors agree to secondary publication, then the secondary publication must include a reference to the first publication. 
  • If the authors have used the work of others, this must be appropriately cited or quoted.
  • Authors must also be ready to provide all the necessary additional data relating to their manuscript.